Day Treks
Enjoy a guided day hike in the forest near Ventura, Ojai, or Santa Barbara. Our experienced guide will tailor your hike to your preferred pace and interests, from flora and fauna to local history or wilderness skills. There are several routes to choose from, for beginners through experienced hikers. Trail snacks will be provided, and gear is available for use at no additional cost. Day Treks are limited to a maximum of 8 hikers.
To book your trip, please review the options below, then go to our Booking page to check available dates and contact us to begin your adventure! Not sure which trek to pick? We'd be happy to help you choose. Gift certificates are also available for day treks; contact us for options!
Kennedy Ridge
- Length: 3.5-mile out-and-back
- Rating: Moderate
- Location: Upper Ojai
- Highlights: Panoramic views of Lake Casitas, the Ojai Valley, and the Pacific Ocean
- Rate: $50 per person; minimum party of 2
- Summary: This new and still-in-progress route begins along the Rice Canyon Trail in the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy's beautiful Ventura River Preserve, and then climbs into forestlands toward an old ridgeline trail.

Potrero John Falls (Sespe Wilderness)
- Length: 6.2-mile out-and-back
- Rating: Easy
- Location: Upper Ojai
- Highlights: Easy day hike; waterfall
- Rate: $50 per person; minimum party of 2
- Summary: This easy hike follows Potrero John Creek from its confluence with the Sespe to a campsite set beneath large live oaks. A more challenging rock-hop beyond camp leads to a series of waterfalls.

Thorn Point Lookout (Sespe Wilderness)
- Length: 7-mile out-and-back
- Rating: Moderately strenuous (climb)
- Location: Grade Valley/Pine Mountain Massif
- Highlights: Outstanding views; historic fire lookout
- Rate: $75 per person; minimum party of 2
- Summary: This steady climb leads from Thorn Meadows to the abandoned Thorn Point fire lookout through chaparral and then conifer trail. The elevation gain is just less than 2,000 vertical feet.

Bear Creek (Sespe Wilderness)
- Length: 8.8-mile out-and-back to Bear Creek Camp
- Rating: Moderate (for creek crossings)
- Location: Upper Ojai
- Highlights: Fascinating geology; swimming holes; potential condor sightings
- Rate: $75 per person; minimum party of 2
- Summary: This extremely popular route follows the old Sespe River Road, with the main attraction being the numerous swimming spots and easy grade. Longer treks along this route feature Willett Hot Springs and Sespe Hot Springs (the hottest springs in California).

Romero Canyon
- Length: 10.3-mile out-and-back
- Rating: Moderately strenuous
- Location: Santa Barbara Frontcountry
- Highlights: Classic riparian (and then chapparal) trekking; excellent views from Montecito to the Channel Islands to the south and from Camino Cielo to the San Rafael and Dick Smith Wilderness to the north
- Rate: $75 per person; minimum party of 2
- Summary: This busy and fairly strenuous transect of Romeo Canyon climbs 3.5 miles along the lush riparian Romero Trail, topping out at the east end of Camino Cielo Road, and then makes a long S-shaped drop back to the bottom of the canyon.

Nordhoff Peak Lookout
- Length: 11.5-mile out-and-back
- Rating: Strenuous
- Location: Upper Ojai
- Highlights: 360-degree views, including Ojai Valley, Oxnard Plain, Rose Valley, Pine Mountain, Lake Casitas, and Channel Islands
- Rate: $75 per person; minimum party of 2
- Summary: This steady but pleasant climb rewards you with stunning 360-degree views.

Custom Day Treks
Choose from any of the day treks in Craig's trail guide, Hiking & Backpacking Santa Barbara & Ventura. Day treks are typically $50-$75 per person (2-person minimum), depending on the location and mileage.
Or choose your own destination! Please contact us to discuss additional destinations, rates may vary depending on location, mileage, and logistics.